Sunday 1 January 2017

What is On Demand Delivery Courier Service?

What is On Demand Courier Services?

Instant gratification has taken over consumer behavior these days. Consumers are accustomed to the idea of getting things immediately or within the shortest time possible. Such shifting results in the establishment of on-demand economy where favorability inclines more to companies that provide (almost) instant delivery of products and services.

Generally, on-demand delivery services refer to immediate or scheduled delivery of physical products to costumer’s specified location; initiated immediately after orders are placed online. The products that can be delivered could be anything from groceries, parcels, and clothing to home appliances. The on-demand delivery services may range from less than an hour to extensive hours in the same day, depending on the products purchased and the delivery parameters.

For businesses that are looking to expand their reach and customer base, implementing on-demand courier service is definitely a way to go. On-demand courier service can benefit companies both locally and globally and it promotes sharing economy. Within local marketplace, merchants, couriers, and customers can work together in order to connect local sellers to local customers. By doing so, companies are able to utilize their knowledge of the local population and the events that took place in the surrounding to further expand their profits and subsequently differentiate their brandings. According to experts, the sharing economy is rapidly growing with a prediction to value at more than $300 billion within ten years from now due to the high demand from modern consumers who crave for fast delivery services that they can access at the tip of their fingers.

Courier delivery service often promises the capability to get urgent package across town in an hour or less. In ensuring the safety of packages delivered, courier delivery services are more recommended compared to traditional shipping companies. It provides a small and familiar customer base that helps in promoting a personal delivery service. Not to be missed, couriers exclude usual package regulations and additional fees with most couriers use a per-mile or flat-rate payment option to keeps the prices low.

In a nutshell, properly implemented on-demand delivery service will greatly benefit both consumers and businesses as it provides products delivery in a fast, simple, and efficient manner at a cost-effective rate.

Company Name          : SEND Network Sdn. Bhd.
Telephone Number      : +6012-516 2799
Fax Number                : +1700-81-5516
Email Address            :

Website Address         :

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